Email Calendaring (SA-07-004)

Standard calendaring format for email systems

Email Naming (SA-07-005)

Standard email address for email systems

Email Use and Protection (SS-08-011)

Standards for appropriate use and security of email

Enterprise Application (PM-13-002)

Provides for Enterprise Applications

Enterprise Application Creation and Management (SM-13-003)

Requirements to create and operate Enterprise Applications

Enterprise Artificial Intelligence Responsible Use (PS-23-001)

Establishes requirements for the use of AI tools within the enterprise

Enterprise Information Security Policy (PS-08-005)

Commits the State of Georgia to protect information systems and data from unauthorized disclosure, modification, use, or destruction

Enterprise Managed Services (EMS) (SM-15-009)

the keystone enterprise standard to guide governance of managing IT provisioning (SaaS, Paas, IaaS, etc.) according to risk.

Exemption from State Policies and Standards (SM-11-007)

Requires a Request for Exemption from a PSG

Facilities Security (SS-08-015)

Incorporates facilities security into overall protection of IT assets