PSG Management System

For some time, GTA has had concerns about the enterprise information technology and security policies, standards and guidelines (PSGs).  Questions such as the following continually arise:

  1. What can we do to ensure state IT users are involved with the writing, coordinating, and publishing of policies and procedures?
  2. How can we be certain our target audiences are following published policies and procedures?
  3. How do we know if our communication and training efforts are effective?
  4. What can we do to be certain that our published policies and procedures reach all individuals identified in the target audiences?

GTA has implemented a PSG Management System to involve all Georgia state government employees and officials who are stakeholders in state government information technology.  User access to the PSG Management System has been provided to all GTA staff as well as agency chief information officers, information security officers, privacy officers and selected business managers.  Please contact the system administrator at [email protected] to request access.

GTA has been receiving assistance from agency CIOs in the writing and reviewing of new PSGs.  While we have worked to be responsive to agency needs, we believe we can enhance our responsiveness through the use of an online review process.  Also, we can involve more stakeholders in government IT with this tool.

By announcing new PSGs with the PSG Management System, GTA will provide personalized e-mail notification to all IT stakeholders about changes in the PSG structure.  The system will ask for their electronic signature confirming their reading of the changed items.  If GTA does not see the signature in a reasonable amount of time, staff can follow up to ensure that the stakeholder is aware of the changes.

Please notify the system administrator at [email protected] for any required clarification.

Employees and officials are welcome to access user instructions for the PSG Management System below.

Download this doc file. USER INSTRUCTIONS