SM-05-001.04 Telecommunications Technology Review

Issue Date:  6/15/2005

Revision Effective Date: 12/15/2014


The  State  of  Georgia  must  be  able  to  easily,  reliably and economically communicate  data  and  information  to  conduct  state  business.  A unified statewide telecommunications network forms the basic infrastructure for how state   agencies   conduct   business   with   each   other,   other government agencies, the commercial sector and the public. The goal is to manage the delivery of telecommunication systems services and reduce the aggregate operating costs.


1.0                As    Georgia    State    Government’s   Telecommunications

Provider, orders for telecommunication equipment  or  services except where noted below shall be placed and fulfilled through the Georgia Technology Authority (GTA) Telecommunications Division. This standard applies regardless of whether an agency is required to submit an Agency Project Request prior to placing any such order.

2.0                 For   any   request,   purchase,   procurement   or  other acquisition of telecommunication equipment or services, agencies must comply with:

Acquisition   and    Use    of    Telecommunications   Services  and

Equipment issued jointly by OPB and GTA, PM-04-002

3.0               All decisions to purchase or otherwise acquire telecommunications equipment or services not addressed by the two policies cited above are at the discretion of the purchasing agency and must comply with all procurement laws, enterprise policies or standards.

In reviewing and approving requests, as well as fulfilling orders, GTA shall consider the priorities of the state, with an emphasis on making communications efficient and cost resources among agencies where feasible. To this end, GTA has created the following additional standards which apply to the acquisition of Voice Systems, Two Way Radios, Wide Area Network and Internet Connectivity.

4.0               Voice Communications

4.1                 State   agencies   are   required   to   use   the   GTA enterprise  switching  equipment  and  long  distance services contract(s) for voice communication equipment and services. GTA may provide written delegation of authority for agencies to  utilize  these  contracts  without  obtaining  the  services through GTA when GTA deems it can add no  value  to the receiving  agency.  In  these  instances,  specific  terms and conditions   will   be   put   forth   in   a    Memorandum   of Understanding  between   GTA   and   the   agency  receiving delegated authority.

4.2                State  agencies  shall  share  systems  and services whenever determined  by GTA to be feasible, cost effective, or otherwise in the best interest of the State.

4.3                GTA  shall review  design  specifications, connectivity design and implementation for all voice communications systems regardless of cost. GTA’s review is to ensure compatibility with existing equipment, networks, and systems and      that  the  requested   system  is  consistent   with  the requestor’s needs.

4.4                Procurement  of major  systems  and components to include, but not limited to Key Systems, digital and electronic telephone sets, Private Branch Exchanges (PBXs), Interactive Voice  Response  (IVR)  systems,  switches,  voice messaging and Automatic Call Distributors (ACD) must be requested and approved  by GTA  regardless  of cost.  GTA’s approval  is to ensure compatibility with existing equipment, networks, and systems and that the requested system is consistent with the requestor’s needs.

4.5                Connectivity  to public  switched  telephone networks must be requested through GTA.

4.6               Agencies  may purchase  commodity  items, such as headsets,  analog  telephone  sets,  handset  cords, stations cords,    etc.,   directly   from   the   contract   vendor  without approval from GTA, provided the purchase conforms with the enterprise policies and standards established by GTA.

4.7               GTA shall coordinate and manage:

1.               Installation and maintenance of switching systems and station equipment,

2.                Installation  and maintenance  of voice and data communications cable plant, and

3.                Moves/adds/changes   to   switches    and   station equipment for all agencies statewide.

5.0               Wide Area Network (WAN)

5.1               State agencies connected to the WAN are required to use  GTA’s  enterprise  contracts  for  hardware  and software services.

5.2               Agencies’ hardware and software must be compatible with the GTA WAN. Hence, agency procurement of hardware or  software  that  interfaces  directly  with  the  State’s WAN, regardless of cost threshold shall be requested and approved through GTA. This applies to that portion of an agency’s hardware and software that connects directly or indirectly to the WAN, i.e. intrusion  detection  devices, network sniffers, modems,  etc...  This  requirement  extends  to  equipment which may be used to temporarily connect to the WAN, such as laptop computers with network monitoring, sniffer or network scanning software. GTA’s approval is to ensure compatibility with existing equipment, networks, and systems and      that  the  requested   system  is  consistent   with  the requestor’s needs.

5.3                GTA  shall own and be responsible  for installations, upgrades,  or  enhancements  to  the  state’s  WAN.  GTA is responsible for final design specification, connectivity design and implementation for the state’s WAN.

5.4                Any  external  access  device  or  method  such as modem dialup, telnet, or FTP, must comply with the system access  control  standards.  In  no  case  may  any  device or access method be used as a "back door" to bypass security requirements set forth or required by the Enterprise Security Policies.

5.5                 Agencies   must   ensure   that   all   hardware   and software, used to connect directly or indirectly to the WAN, comply    with   the   State   of   Georgia   Telecommunications Standards.

5.6                      Agencies        which        connect        to       non prevent direct access from that network to the state WAN by the use of an appropriate firewall or other appropriate access security protection appliance.

5.7               GTA shall coordinate and manage for all agencies:

1.                  Provisioning  of  WAN  hardware,  software,  and service contracts,

2.                Installation and corrective maintenance

3.                      Reconfiguration     of    the    WAN     including moves/add/changes.

6.0               Internet Connectivity

6.1                The  Georgia  Technology  Authority’s  (GTA)  central enterprise    Internet    Services    Provisioning    contract   for Internet       services   shall   be   used   for   Agency   Internet

connectivity  in  all  geographic  areas  where  Internet connectivity is available. All Internet traffic to and from the state WAN will be through a GTA maintained firewall.

7.0               System Access Control Standard

See Enterprise Information Security Charter (PS-08-005)

8.0               Video Communications

8.1                 State   agencies   are   required   to   use   the   GTA enterprise    equipment,    video    communications    network services    contract(s)    to    acquire    video   communication equipment and video network services.

8.2               Video maintenance services may be acquired through the GTA  video  equipment  enterprise maintenance contract. Agencies electing to secure video maintenance services from other than GTA enterprise maintenance contract provider(s) shall be required to subscribe to GTA’s maintenance vendor for Conference  Resolution  Problem  Solving  level support service.

8.3                State  agencies  shall  share  systems  and services whenever determined  by GTA to be feasible, cost effective, or otherwise in the best interest of the State.

8.4               GTA must approve design specifications, connectivity design   and   implementation   for   video   communications systems. GTA’s review is to ensure compatibility with existing equipment,  networks,  and  systems  and that the requested system is consistent with the requestor’s needs.

8.5                    Procurement      of     “custom     design”     video communications  systems  must be requested  and approved by GTA. GTA’s review is to ensure compatibility with existing equipment,  networks,  and systems  and that the requested system is consistent with the requestor’s needs.

8.6                Connectivity  to public  switched  telephone networks must be requested through GTA.

8.7               State agencies using “video over IP” connections to the WAN are required to use GTA’s enterprise contracts for hardware and software services.

8.8                 Agencies   must   ensure   that   all   hardware   and software, used to connect directly or indirectly to the WAN, comply    with   the   State   of   Georgia   Telecommunications Standards.

8.9                      Agencies        which        connect        to       non prevent direct access from that network to the state WAN by the use of an appropriate firewall.

8.10                      Agencies may purchase video communication items, such as small room  systems,  VCRs,  video  cameras, audio

systems, etc., directly from the contract vendor without approval from GTA, provided the purchase conforms with the policies and standards established by GTA.


1.0  Installations  Procedure  for New Voice Equipment  and/or


1.1             Agencies are strongly encouraged to contact the GTA Regional  Project  Manager  and/or  GTA  Account Manager as soon  as  they  determine  there  may  be  a  need  for GTA involvement    in   providing   telecommunications   equipment and/or   services.  GTA  can  provide  advice  and  guidance regarding  GTA  services,  lead  times,  and  information the agency should provide.

1.2               Agency   determines   station   count,   features  and options, line appearances, physical location and anticipated growth, etc. Consultation with the GTA Regional Project Manager    is  recommended   to   remain   current   with  the technology and available options.

1.3              Agency  completes  Work  Order  Request  Form and submits     the    Work    Order    Request    Form    to    GTA Telecommunications Division. An office floor plan sketch with physical locations for wall or floor jacks and ceiling drop locations indicated must be included. Formal blue prints are required for new or renovation construction.

1.4              When requested,  GTA  will provide  price quotations for the provisioning and installation of the required material to the agency. The price will include all equipment and estimated labor cost, unless otherwise agreed upon.

1.5              Agency  responsibilities  and  requirements  for implementation will be provided to such agency in writing via a proposal and must be met for service provisioning.

1.6                 Agency   shall   approve,   modify,   or   reject   price quotations submitted from GTA. Rejection of price quotations may result in a vendor expense to the state. Such vendor expenses will be passed along to the requesting agency.

1.7               Upon completion of the service, the agency should fill out the performance review sheet provided and return it to GTA’s Telecommunications Regional Manager.

2.0               Installations  Procedure  for  New  WAN  Equipment and/or Services

2.1             Agencies are strongly encouraged to contact the GTA Regional  Project  Manager  and/or  GTA  Account Manager as soon  as  they  determine  there  may  be  a  need  for GTA involvement  in providing WAN connectivity solutions and/or services.  GTA  can  provide  advice  and  guidance regarding GTA services, lead times, and information the agency should provide.

2.2              Agency  determines  workstation  count,  printer  and other peripherals required. Agency will determine minimum and  maximum  required  throughput  in  kilobits  per seconds (Kbps) along with physical location and anticipated growth. Consultation  with the GTA  Account Managers  and Telecom Project Managers is recommended to remain current with the technology and available options.

2.3               Agency  completes  Data  Communications   Service form    (DCS)   and   submits   it   to   GTA   Telecom  Project Management  Office.  The  DCS  form  is reviewed by project manager, additional information is gathered from customer, and  the  completed  form  is  submitted  to  the Customer Service Center for generation of work assignments.

2.4               Georgia   Technology   Authority   will  provide  price quotations    for   the   provisioning   and   installation   of  the required material to the agency. The price will include all equipment and estimated labor cost, unless otherwise agreed upon.

2.5              Agency  responsibilities  and  requirements  for implementation  will be provided  to such agency  in writing and must be met for service provisioning.

2.6               Agency   shall   approve,   modify,   or   reject   price quotations submitted from GTA. Rejection of price quotations may result in a vendor expense to the state. Such expenses will be passed along to the requesting agency.

3.0                Moves,  Adds,  Changes,  Disconnects,  and Repairs

Procedure  Voice

3.1                Agency  provides  GTA  with  information containing type of equipment  currently in use, detailed descriptions of work,  physical  location  and  contact  name,  and telephone number by completing a Work Order Request Form.

3.2                Agency  submits  the  Work  Order  Request  Form to GTA Telecommunications Division. An office floor plan sketch with physical locations for wall or floor jacks and ceiling drop locations indicated must be included if required.

3.3                When requested,  GTA  will provide  price quotations for the provisioning and installation of the required materials to the agency, unless otherwise agreed upon.

3.4                  Agency    responsibilities    and    requirements    for implementation  will be provided  to such agency  in writing and must be met for service provisioning.

3.5                 Agency   shall   approve,   modify   or   reject   price quotations submitted from GTA. Rejection of price quotations may result in a vendor expense to the state. Such expenses will be passed along to the requesting agency.

3.6               The agency is responsible for all modifications to the facility required for the implementation of the service.

3.7               Upon completion of service, agency should fill out the performance review sheet provided and return it to GTA’s Telecommunications Regional Manager.

4.0               Moves,  Adds, Changes,  and  Disconnect  Procedure


4.1                Agency  provides  GTA  with  information containing type of equipment  currently in use, detailed descriptions of work,  physical  location  and  contact  name,  and telephone number by completing a Data Communications Services form (DCS).

4.2                Agency  completes  Data  Communications  Services form    (DCS   and   submits   it   to   GTA   Telecom  Project Management  Office.  The  DCS  form  is reviewed by project manager, additional information is gathered from customer, and  the  completed  form  is  submitted  to  the Customer Service Center for generation of work assignments.

4.3                When requested,  GTA  will provide  price quotations for the provisioning and installation of the required materials to the agency, unless otherwise agreed upon.

4.4                  Agency    responsibilities    and    requirements    for implementation  will be provided  to such agency  in writing and must be met for service provisioning.

4.5                 Agency   shall   approve,   modify   or   reject   price quotations submitted from GTA. Rejection of price quotations may result in a vendor expense to the state. Such expenses will be passed along to the requesting agency.

4.6               The agency is responsible for all modifications to the facility required for the implementation of the service.


O.C.G.A. Section 50-25-1 et seq.

O.C.G.A. Sections 50-25-4(a) (11), (15), (22), (28), & (29).


Failure  to   adhere    to    these   standards   may    render    any resulting contracts void and of no effect.


Firewall – A combination of hardware and software designed to prevent outsiders  from accessing  an internal  network while allowing internal customers to access outside networks.

LAN – A local area network is a private wiring network.  For purposes of this document, LANs generally serve a single agency or office.

WAN – A wide area network spans a relatively large geographical area. Computers connected to          a wide area network are often connected through public networks, such as the telephone system as well as private leased lines. A WAN also provides the mechanism for users on one agency's LAN to communicate with users on a different agency's LAN. For purposes of this document, the State of Georgia’s WAN  is  that  Wide  Area  Network  that  acts  as  the  backbone for inter-agency electronic communication, and is installed and maintained by the Georgia Technology Authority.

System – The use of the term system refers to a major component or an integrated group of interrelated, or interdependent, interacting elements which forms a complex whole infrastructure.

Commodity – Commodity refers to individual products that can serve as end item. For example, Fax machines, copiers, scanners, and other items that can operate in a similar manner.

Note:  Two-way radio communications removed to create version .04 (November
