Secure Remote Access (SS-08-038)
SS-08-038 Secure Remote Access
Issue Date: 3/31/2008
Review Date: 12/01/2024
Remote access technologies have increased productivity for State of Georgia employees and contractors; however, the use of these technologies has introduced new security risks to the enterprise. Allowing remote access to non-public information resources is a logical extension of the enterprise yet outside the physical security boundary of the agency’s control. As employees connect remotely to the corporate networks these entry points and data transmission modes increase the vulnerability to agency internal networks and must be properly secured.
This standard establishes the requirement for agencies to protect internal state information resources from the risks associated with remote access.
O.C.G.A 50-25-4(a)(9) – State Government, Georgia Technology, General Powers
O.C.G.A 50-25-4(a)(20) - State Government, Georgia Technology, General Powers
PM-04-001 – Information Technology Policies, Standards and Guidelines
PS-08-005 – Enterprise Information Security Policy
Remote Access - ability of an organization’s users to access its non-public computing resources from locations outside the organization’s security boundaries. (Examples are teleworking, mobile computing, wireless, remote work-site, VPN, broadband, internet cafés, etc)
Telework or Telecommute - ability of an organization’s employees and contractors to conduct work from locations other than the organization’s facilities.
Mobile Computing - generic term describing one’s ability to use technology 'untethered', that is not physically connected, or in remote or mobile (nonstatic) environments.
When allowing remote access to non-public state information systems, agencies shall conduct a risk analysis to determine the access/connection methods that best support the required security levels.
To mitigate the security risks associated with remote access to non-public State information systems, system owners shall protect the internal systems by implementing the strongest, most appropriate security controls for encryption, user authentication and end-point protection mechanisms.
- Remote Administrative Access: all network traffic supporting remote administrative access to servers must be encrypted from end to end. No clear text will be allowed.
Anti-virus protection and perimeter controls shall be properly configured and port openings shall be secured, restricted and monitored.
All remote access shall support an automatic session termination after no more than 15 minutes of inactivity.
Granting remote access to state information resources shall be in accordance with the Enterprise Access Control policies and standards
Agencies shall ensure that remote users are aware of their roles and responsibilities for maintaining the security requirements of state information assets and adhering to security policies when they are away from state controlled facilities. Users shall acknowledge (in writing) their understanding of these policies and be held accountable.
Teleworking and Remote Access (SS-08-037)
Wireless and Mobile Computing (SS-08-039)
Use of Cryptography (PS-08-024)
Cryptographic Controls (SS-08-040)
NIST SP 800-46 Rev. 2, Guide to Enterprise Telework, Remote Access, and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Security (
NIST SP 800-28 Ver. 2 Guidelines on Active Content and Mobile Code (
SP 800-124 Rev. 1, Guidelines for Managing the Security of Mobile Devices in the Enterprise (