Outsourced IT Services and Third-Party Interconnections (SS-08-044)
SS-08-044 Outsourced IT Services and Third-Party Interconnections
Issue Date: 03/31/2008
Review Date: 12/01/2024
Third-party access to State computing resources is a common practice that presents potential security risks to the enterprise that must be examined and addressed. Two significant types of access are a network-to-network connection that allows multiple users or systems from a third party to interact with State resources and privileged access given to a third party to develop software or maintain systems. Managing the risks involved in these situations is something that must be done prior to making the connections available and requires that additional provisions be incorporated into service contracts.
O.C.G.A 50-25-4(a)(8) – State Government, Georgia Technology, General Powers
O.C.G.A 50-25-4(a)(20) - State Government, Georgia Technology, General Powers
PM-04-001 – Information Technology Policies, Standards and Guidelines
PS-08-005 – Enterprise Information Security Policy
Granting access to state information systems by third parties shall be driven by a business need. The management of the associated risks is the responsibility of the State agency that is sponsoring the third-party access.
Third parties shall be provided with a copy of the State information security policies and standards as well as applicable agency security policies and procedures.
Third-party providers of IT services and/or connected partners shall be subject to the same security policies and procedures as the supported organization and shall conform to the same security controls and documentation requirements as they apply to the agency’s internal systems.
Any outsourcing agreement shall contain security provisions specifically tailored to the particular outsourcing initiative.
Access by and interconnections with third-party networks or systems shall require a signed contract and /or a system interconnection security agreement that documents a complete understanding of what access exists, its usage and user profiles. The technical details of the connection shall include but is not limited to:
- A description of the need and services offered/obtained through the connection
- Information exchange and data flow diagrams, topological drawing, and controlled interface specifications
- Locations, description and examination of the third-party’s system/network security controls documentation, policies and procedures to identify risks to state resources.
- User profiles and access control descriptions
- Trusted behavior expectations and non-compliance implications
- Administrative communications requirements
It shall be the responsibility and the right of the sponsoring agency to monitor outsourced information system service providers and/or interconnected third-party business partners to ensure compliance with applicable laws, directives, regulations, policies, standards and established service level agreements.
Third-Party Access (PS-08-011)
Third-Party Security Requirements (SS-08-013)
Outsourced Facilities Management (PS-08-019)
Network Security Controls (PS-08-027)
Network Access and Session Controls (SS-08-048)
Network Security -Boundary Protection (SS-08-047)
NIST 800-47 Interconnecting Information Technology Systems